

Benefits of Credebt® Money

Credebt® Money offers a financial solution to small and medium-sized exporters to facilitate alternative forms of payment to commodity sellers like miners, farmers and other suppliers


Credebt® Money offers a financial solution to small and medium-sized exporters to facilitate alternative forms of payment to commodity sellers like miners, farmers and other suppliers

Farmers and Commodity Sellers

The sellers of the commodity must ensure that they receive the agreed-upon price when delivering their produce to the exporter’s location. Credebt® Money offers a guarantee of fair and timely payment for their products.


Legal Custodian

The Custodian is a Legal Firm that oversees the entire payment process and manages the banking and financial arrangements between the sellers and the exporter

Q&Q Certifier

The Quality and Quantity [Q&Q] Certifier is an independent company like SGS. They inspect, test, verify and certify the produce and the quantity when it is delivered to the exporter’s nominated warehouse/container location. They also issue the Credebt® Payment Certificate paper.

Credebt® Agent

The Credebt® Agent is an ‘on-the-ground’ supervisor responsible for ensuring a smooth and fair transaction between the exporter and the seller. They cross-check the validity of Credebt® Payment Certificate paper against the Credebt® Exchange system. On condition the Credebt® Payment Certificate is approved, they make the payment directly to the seller’s e-Wallet or bank account.